Our work kicks serious butt...

Profitability.  Revenue Growth.  Strategy.  Culture.  We slay mighty giants on your behalf.   And we look good doing it.

Over 25 years of success...

The measure of our success is the measure of your success.  Check out some of the highlights of our business development portfolio incorporating many of the following strategies.

Growth Strategy

UX Strategy & Design

Email Marketing Strategy

Promotion Strategy

Merchandising Strategy

Retention Strategy

Business Success Case

Fireplace eCommerce Omnichannel Retailer


Company Profile

A medium sized ecommerce company operating in an omni-channel market including Houzz and Amazon.



Declining year over year revenue with projections of 22% year over year loss and low customer retention.



UX Strategy + Redesign, competitive Pricing Strategy, customer feedback programs, and digital marketing strategy.



Increased revenue by 114% year over year, CVR by 130%, Organic by 50% and reduced digital advertising costs to 10% of budget.

What did we do?

Grew revenue from previous decline of -22% year over year to 114%+ growth year over year in an omnichannel market.  Grew Amazon sales 150%+ over the course of 1 year.  Resolved Customer Satisfaction issues and redesigned workflow to accomodate employer and employee needs.

How did we do it?

  • Expansion of product offering
  • Competitive pricing strategy
  • Customer Retention Program
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Data Architecture Redesign
  • Customer Retention Program
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • UX Redesign & CRO Management
  • Merchandising Strategy
  • Amazon Marketplace Strategy

How long did it take?

The process to perform this project rescue took about 3 months to see a flatline recovery of revenue growth rate.  Over the next two years, company revenue increased by 75% in the first year and 114% in year two.   We saw SEO imrovements contribute to this revenue growth by the end of the first year, and conversion rate increase incrementally with A/B testing over the full term of the project.

Discovery & Solutions

In our investigation we found that many competitors were in violation of MAP Pricing which prevented the company's product listing ads from gaining traction in the google marketplace.

We negotiated with vendors to allow price matching, offer exclusive items, and created tools designed to track and monitor pricing changes by competitors so that rapid price adjustments could be made.  We identified top selling items, monitored category effectiveness, and developed a robust marketing strategy that included email automation, digital advertising, ux redesign using a visual first strategy. Additionally, we onboarded new vendors and merchandised top selling, high-performance skus to complement the existing product offering.

We also redesigned the website front end template and data architecture to allow for the incorporation of AMP technology.  This helped us to improve site speed, and optimize the site for SEO with unique content, tagging, url structure, and technical improvements.

In addition to our online website, we used Amazon marketplace as a springboard for launching new products and exclusive items.  We negotiated with industry top vendors to allow us exclusive access to sell on the marketplace and obtained and maintained prime status with an excellent rating, and customer satisfaction guarantee.

Finally, we gathered customer feedback through NPS surveys and integrated the results into various aspects of the business, including the website user experience, customer service, operations, and marketing.

Visual Highlights from this Project


Business Success Case

Furniture Online Retailer


Company Profile

A small furniture online retailer wishing to scale up rapidly.



 Defining eCommerce in an underserved market.



UX Strategy, Staff Augmentation, Content Strategy, Systems Design



Increased revenue growth from $4m to $40m / year.

What did we do?

Grew revenue from  $4m / year furniture company grow to $40m / year

How did we do it?

  • Expansion of product offering
  • Customer Retention Program
  • Order Processing Redesign
  • Data Architecture Redesign
  • UX Redesign
  • Email Marketing and Automation
  • Content Strategy
  • Staff Augmentation

How long did it take?

Hiring, training, and developing a high performance team took approximately 3  months, after having a stable culture of product hires, we worked along side this company to increase the product offering over the course of 2 years by 24000 skus from 40 vendors all bearing optimized unique content and imagery.   During the production cycle of sku development we also reviewed and made recommendations on the operations of order processing and implemented a robust email marketing program.

Discovery & Solution Breakdown

In our initial discovery, we uncovered several issues with product mix, pricing competitiveness, and customer satisfaction.  By implementing customer satisfaction surveys, on-site heatmapping and tracking NPS score, we found that customers were dissatisfied with the company product offering that they were presented with in comparison to their competitors.   Many customers were also reticent to purchase such a high dollar value item online and sight unseen, especially in such a highly visual and textile industry.

We created seven niche websites and expanded the product offering on the initial website by incorporating new and more popular brands with a wider price range, variety of styles and option for custom purchases.  In order to support this growth, we hired and trained a team of 8 content writers, category managers, graphic designers, and quality assurance managers to support the content development and launch of 7 new niche websites catering to different product types.  We also used this technique of rapid product entry to support the content strategy and provide a massive boost to SEO.

We used email automation, transactional email design, and promotions marketing to increase average order value as well as an aggressive digital marketing strategy to obtain paid traffic.

Visual Highlights from this Project
